Monday 23 July 2018

Happy Potter and The Cursed Child

Two years ago I saw 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' when it was still in previews, and I thought I would like to see it again, from a different area of the auditorium to see some of the special effects from a different angle.

On a second viewing, it's still a lot of fun. There is a whole new cast, featuring Franc Ashman as Hermione, Jonathan Case as Scorpius, Joe Idris-Roberts as Albus, Jamie Ballard as Harry, and James Howard as Draco.

I enjoyed trying to spot how the various bits of magic were worked, and simply enjoying those that I couldn't work out, and it was fun, too, to see how the different cast performed their roles.

However, it's fair to say that the somewhat clunky and predictable plot drags a little (more) on a second viewing.

Overall,fun, but with an element of diminishing returns.

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