I have been a bit remiss with blogging, because there isn't a great deal happening - although I am getting a lot of entertainment from Vashti's adventures.
Vashti is not noticeable daunted by any of it, but will generally cower a bit to show willing, before bouncing at home again as soon as he turns away!
I have been going out for walks as much as possible, although with the nights starting to draw in, and the distractions caused by a kitten at home I have been out less frequently!
I haven't seen the badgers for a while - I suspect that now the ground isn't so dry, it's easier for them to find food so they are perhaps not ranging quite so far, and pf course th young ones will be getting older and more wary.
I have, however, continued to see deer quite regularly.
The deer continue to be spectacularly bouncy, 'pronking' vigourously.